mercredi 25 mai 2011

Daniel Fignolé: The 19 Day President

Daniel Fignolé was one of the first influential leaders of Haiti. He was a labor organizer, popular among the workers of Port-au-Prince, that at a moment's notice he could get masses of people in to the streets, known as the "woulo konpresé", the streamroller.
In 1942, Mr. Fignolé founded a newspaper called Chantiers, that had a liberal, noiriste, slant, meaning it fought for the common man and for the black man.
In the Chantiers, Fignolé would blast Haiti's mulattoes for their selfishness as he argued for social programs to uplift the majority, black population that was poor.
Fignolé's influence had reach such a climax that the president then, Former President Elie Lescot, closed down the paper and fired Fignolé from a government position teaching. President Lescot also placed him under constant police surveillance.

jeudi 12 mai 2011

Maurice Alfrédo Sixto (May 12, 1919 – May 12, 1984

 Once upon a time, there was a man, a Haitian man, one of those men whom we would love to see live forever, but… nature has its own laws.
In all of the greatest and unforgettable men, that our Dear Haiti knew, we are more than thrill to put in evidence, to give merit homage to one of our most prideful black man Maurice A. Sixto!
Why Maurice Sixto? Well, there are times in this lifetime where a nation has to turn to what it has produce the most valuable and get a breath of hope to know that all is not lost. At this point in time where Haiti like an abandon mother seems to ask herself:” But where are my sons”? Now that our Isle is being compared to a sinking boat, without captain aboard it is soothing and comforting to remember a man such as Mr. Sixto.